Adenium Bonsai

Adenium is very popular as an ornamental house plant, but is often trained as a bonsai plant! 

It is easy to propagate this plant from cuttings or to grow it from seed. Adenium is a fast-growing plant. They can easily grow in a small pot.

After dropping its leaves in the winter, this bonsai tree comes back in the springtime with bright, beautiful flowers. The blooms are in shades of red, pink, and deep purple on small stems attached to its bulbous trunk.

Types of Adenium Bonsai

The Adenium bonsai family contains several members with unique growth patterns and appearances. Bushman’s poison (also known as Adenium boehmianum) produces spiral-shaped leaves and pale pink or yellow flowers. Historically, African hunters used the flowers of this species to make poison arrowheads for hunting.

The Adenium swazium type has pink and white flowers shaped like small trumpets. On the other hand, Adenium arabicum typically reaches about 6 feet in height. It has larger leaves than the Adenium bonsai. Adenium socotranum reaches heights of 16 feet when grown outdoors Under favourable conditions.

Adenium bonsai care

  • Provide bright direct light to adenium.
  • A south-facing window that gets several hours of sunlight per day is the perfect spot for your Adenium bonsai.
  • Water when the topsoil is completely dry. If this plant needs water, its trunk will become soft and become smaller than its usual bulbous base.
  • Use soil consisting of clay and sand and some bonsai potting mix. 
  • Grow them at a temperature between 70-100° F (20-38°C).
  • The best way to ensure your Adenium bonsai blooms is to provide it with plenty of nutrients through fertilizer. Feed them every 3-4 weeks in spring and summer with a diluted fertilizer to 1/3 of the recommended strength. 
  • The humidity of around 40% is perfect for Adenium bonsai.
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