Snake Plants (Sansevieria Plants)

Snake plants (Sansevieria) is the most tolerant plant. It is easy to maintain snake plants. Despite their strappy leaves and architectural shape, these plants will still look fresh even if they are neglected for weeks. 

Furthermore, they are drought-resistant, have few insect problems, and can survive low light levels. Even NASA research has shown that snake plants can help clean the air inside your home by removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene. To put it simply, snake plants are ideal houseplants.

 Varieties of Sansevieria

1. Sansevieria trifasciata

This is the most common type of sansevieria and has a variety in it. Some plants are having deep green leaves while other varieties may have curly leaves.

2. Sansevieria gracilis

The unique feature of this variety is that its leaves stay under (18 inches) in height.

3. Sansevieria Canaliculate

Sansevieria canaliculate has cylindrical leaves that measure an inch in diameter and are three feet long. It grows in single or double leaves.

4. Sansevieria Patens

The large, chunky leaves of Sansevieria Patens are arranged in a rosette shape and it is native to eastern Africa. The grooved leaves grow as long as three feet and as wide as two inches.

5. Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’

Laurentii has deep green leaves with golden edges. A mature plant can reach up to four feet tall.

6. Sansevieria cylindrica

This cylindrical variety of snake plants is native to Angola and it is also called the “African spear.” Usually, its leaves are braided while the plant is young. 

7. Sansevieria fischeri

It is a smaller variety of sansevieria, less than 16 inches in height.

8. Sansevieria masoniana

You can easily identify Sansevieria masoniana plant by its purple-banded sheath, this is often below the soil line.

Benefits of Sansevieria plant

  • It is an Air Purifier.
  • The sansevieria has the ability to remove toxic air pollutants. 
  • They are easy to care for.
  • This plant releases oxygen and adds moisture to the air.
  • According to Feng shui practice, they absorb negative energy.
  • Heal burns and other skin wounds.
  • Relieve headaches.
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