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plants as return gifts

15 Best Plants as Return Gifts | Indoor Plants for Return Gift

Just by being with you, someone has made a huge difference in your life. Whether it’s your mother, father, friends, life partner, or child, it could be anyone. 

Well, when you feel cared for by someone, how do you express it? As a return gift, how do you give them back? The best way to thank them is to give them plants in return.

It doesn’t matter whether you are looking for an anniversary plant to symbolize your partner’s companionship. Or a gift for a friend who has always been there for you. The list also includes small plants that can be given to kids as return gifts so that they learn how to take care of them.

The thoughtfulness of plants makes them wonderful return gifts. In addition, they are a wonderful way to express your feelings to a loved one. 

So, if you feel that your loved one deserves the best, here is the list of the best indoor plants to give as a return gift.

Best Indoor Plants for Return Gifts

This list has the best plants for wishing good luck to your loved ones. Aside from this, you will get unique and beautiful plants to gift for any occasion, be it a wedding, an event, a birthday, etc. So let’s see which plant expresses your emotion perfectly as a return gift.

Best Indoor Plants for Return Gifts

Return gift plants for weddings

Unique looking plants that are easy to care for are the best return gifts for your wedding guests. With these plants, you will be sure to thank your guests for attending your priceless special event.

1. Ginseng ficus bonsai

There is no doubt that your guests will fall in love with the bark structure of this bonsai. The plant is also easy to care for, making it a perfect gift for a friend or loved one.

2. Carmona

If you want to improve the interior of someone you love, Carmona makes the best return gift. An elegant style is assured with its brownish bark structure and dark green leaves.

3. Peace lily

Peace lily plant

Peace lily’s graceful and soothing beauty would complement any home or garden. As well as being beautiful, they also promote relaxation and reduce stress.

4. Pachira Aquatica

Pachira Aquatica

A pachira money tree will bring someone good fortune and money. Furthermore, it absorbs airborne toxic compounds. Pet owners and those who love plants will also appreciate this gift.

5. Philodendron


Philodendron dark green leaves add beauty to your loved ones’ homes. Not only is the philodendron gorgeous to look at, but it also absorbs harmful pollutants. This plant thrives indoors and tolerates a variety of lighting conditions, making it a great gift.

Return gift plant for a birthday or anniversary

As a gift, snake plants, aloe vera, and jade plants symbolize purity, perseverance, and excellent health. Thus, your loved one will be happy to receive them on their special day. Through these plants, you can express your affection for them and your best wishes for their health in the future.

6. Jade plant

Jade plant

Jade plants are famous across the globe for their fleshy, oval leaves and thick stems. Plants with black thumbs will still enjoy this gift as it requires little attention and water.

7. Snake plant

Snake plant

Gift your loved one a hardy snake houseplant that can withstand most conditions. With its upright leaves, this plant adds architectural form and complements any decor.

8. Aloe vera

15 Best Plants as Return Gifts | Indoor Plants for Return Gift

This is a sleek, easy-to-maintain plant without leaves that might fall to the ground. It is a great gift for someone you don’t want to spend too much time maintaining the plant.

9. ZZ plant

ZZ plant

No matter how much your loved one neglects the care of the ZZ plant, it won’t complain. The plant can tolerate neglect and drought, and will also tolerate low light conditions happily. Its wide, attractive dark green leaves are also ideal for decorating the office or home.

Festive and special occasion plant gifts

You can wish good luck to your loved ones by gifting a lucky bamboo plant, Chinese money plant, or Kalanchoe. Additionally, these plants are low maintenance.

10. Lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo

If you are looking for good luck and fortune, this lucky bamboo plant is a great gift. Also, there is no better office friend than the lucky bamboo plant. This plant is perfect for any office as it’s easy to maintain, looks great, and improves productivity.

11. Chinese money plant

Chinese Money plant

The most suitable plants for a return gift are Chinese money plants.  When this plant surrounds the person, it maintains calm and brings abundance to their lives.

12. Kalanchoe


This plant has an impressive display of flowers with bright, vibrant blooms and thick foliage. The succulent nature of kalanchoes makes them easier to care for.

Small plants for kids and friends as return gifts

These three plants are non-toxic and easy to maintain, making them the best choice for your kid. These plants will also help to purify home air and provide freshness.

13. Spider plant

Spider plant

You will love the spider plant’s playful nature, which will make everyone smile. Due to its long, arching, variegated, cream, and bright green leaves, it looks like unruly grass.

14. Gerbera


On this plant, daisy-like blooms hang from long stems with lobed leaves. They are great plants as return gifts because they bloom for a long time. In addition to hot pinks and reds, Gerbera daisies come in pale pink, yellow, and white. 

15. Prayer plant

Prayer Plant

There is an attractive tricolor pattern on the leaves of the praying plant. There are feathered, painterly veins running through the soft, dark green leaves. Plant lovers enjoy Prayer Plants for the way their leaves fold in the evening, resembling hands folded together.

These are the best plants as return gifts. Now, let us learn what makes them best return gifts in detail.

Return gift plants for weddings

It is crucial to select the right wedding favors for your guests since they will serve as a priceless memory of your special day and a gesture of gratitude. So, for your convenience, I have listed the unique looking plants that are easy to care for and sure to capture the hearts of your guests.

1. Ficus bonsai

Ficus bonsai

Ficus bonsai is a symbol of strength, wisdom, and institution. The bark structure of this tree is sure to capture the hearts of your guests. It is also easy to care for, which makes it an excellent gift for a loved one. 

A return gift of this plant can also improve someone’s quality of life as this plant can remove toxins from the air, such as toluene, formaldehyde, and xylene.

2. Carmona bonsai

Carmona bonsai

You can help bring peace and harmony to someone’s life by giving them Carmona plants. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, this bonsai variety is also rare and beautiful. 

You can add beauty to a loved one’s home with this plant’s brownish bark and glossy dark green leaves.

3. Peace lily

Peace lily

There is no better return gift plant than the peace lily. Any home or garden would benefit from their graceful and soothing beauty. 

As well as being beautiful, they also have a variety of health benefits, such as reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

4. Pachira Aquatica

Pachira Aquatica

If you want to bless someone with money and good fortune, give them a pachira money tree. 

Also, it absorbs toxic compounds from the air. So, it will keep the recipient’s house fresh and clean. This is also a great gift for those who love plants and have pets.

5. Philodendron


Indoor plants like this thrive in a variety of lighting and watering conditions, so they make great gifts. Your loved ones’ homes will be enhanced by their green and dark leaves. 

Moreover, these leaves absorb even the smallest amounts of light and water. Philodendrons aren’t just gorgeous to look at, they absorb pollutants too.

Return gift plant for a birthday or anniversary

There is no set rule stating that birthday gifts must involve cakes. It applies to all occasions, even anniversaries. No one forces you to give your special partner romantic gifts. 

However, you can give them plants that symbolize purity, perseverance, and excellent health, like Snake, Aloe, or Jade plants. Your affection and good wishes for their future health can be expressed through these plants.

6. Jade plant

Jade plant

With its fleshy, oval leaves and thick stems, the long-lived jade plant is admired throughout the world. The plant requires very little care and water, which makes it the perfect gift even for people with black thumbs. 

Once the plant has reached maturity, it looks like a miniature tree. Also, from winter to spring, they bloom pink-white.

The jade plant is considered a lucky charm that is believed to bring its owner’s fortune and good wealth. For these causes, it is expected to give this plant as a present to friends, hostesses, and people starting new businesses or jobs or birthday gifts.

7. Snake plant

Snake plant

It is one of the most hardy houseplants that can withstand most indoor conditions. Also, this elegant plant adds architectural form and complements any style of decor thanks to its stately upright foliage.

In small spaces, snake plants are ideal because they have tough, thick, upright leaves that are free of stems. There are some dwarf varieties that form small rosettes of leaves.

NASA has considered that air-purifying plants are ideal for gifting. They not only cleanse the air but remove many allergies, and are known for emitting positive energy. It represents cleanliness and endurance. Giving a snake plant indicates that telling somebody that you care for their health, and expect them to have a healthy life ahead.

8. Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Besides being easy to maintain, it’s sleek and doesn’t have a bunch of leaves that could fall to the ground. Thus, it’s an ideal gift for someone you don’t want to spend a lot of time maintaining. 

Also, aloe vera is the best thing to give your friends if you wish them good health. Aloe vera has great air purifying and cosmetic benefits too. Its gel can also relieve sunburn pain.

The aloe vera plant is also considered one of the most useful plants that can be offered to anyone because the aloe vera plant can be maintained and grown indoors as this plant neither demands too much Sunlight nor too much watering. Aloe vera plant can be kept indoors or anywhere due to its challenging nature.

9. ZZ plant

ZZ plant

ZZ plants have wide, attractive, dark green leaves, as well as many other advantages for offices and homes. It tolerates neglect and drought without complaint, and it accepts low-light conditions without complaint. 

A room becomes brighter when it is surrounded by its waxy, smooth leaves. This plant grows slowly to a height and width of 2-3 feet, so it does not quickly outgrow its container.

ZZ plant will do best in bright to moderate, indirect light but as I said, it can tolerate excessively low levels of light as well. Provide water when the soil has totally dried out. Water moderately but rarely. They do great at room temperature between 60°F  to 77°F. But you should avoid cold temperatures as they are not equipped for it. 

Festive and special occasion plant gifts

It is important to wish someone prosperity on festivals and other special occasions. So, to wish your loved ones luck in a special and environmentally friendly way,  gift a lucky bamboo plant, Chinese money plant, or Kalanchoe. Moreover, there is no need to worry about maintaining these plants. 

The lucky bamboo and Chinese money plants are known to bring prosperity to their owners. Furthermore, the Kalanchoe is an excellent plant for beautifying the home with minimal maintenance.

10. Lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo

Many cultures consider the lucky bamboo plant to be a symbol of good luck. Good luck, fortune, and prosperity are said to come from it. So, if you are looking for good luck and fortune, this lucky bamboo plant is a great gift.

Additionally, the lucky bamboo plants make a great office friend. The lucky bamboo plant is perfect for any office because it’s easy to keep, looks great, and increases productivity. 

11. Chinese money plant

Chinese money plant

Choosing Chinese money plants as a return gift is a great idea, and they are among the best plants for that purpose.  

The plant maintains calmness around the person. According to Vastu, it should be placed near the TV and Wi-Fi routers in order to protect your family from harm. 

Hence, you can give this plant as a return gift to show your loved ones that you care about them. Moreover, the cute coin-shaped leaves are known to attract money in the owner’s life.

12. Kalanchoe


If you are hosting an event, you can also give Kalanchoes to your guests as a token of your love. Known for their bright, vibrant blossoms and thick foliage, kalanchoes have an impressive display of flowers. 

You can give kalanchoes in a pot in red, pink, yellow, or white shades, which are great gifting plants. It’s easier to take care of a kalanchoe plant because it’s succulent. 

Small plants for kids and friends as return gifts

It is best to choose these three plants as return gifts for your kid since they are non-toxic and easy to maintain. 

As a return gift, these plants will purify home air and provide freshness. Moreover, the hanging spider plant, beautiful blooms of gerbera, and elegantly pleasing prayer plant are all sure to add beauty to any space.

13.  Spider plant

Spider plant

There’s nothing like a spider plant to make everyone smile, and its playfulness will surprise your kid.

It looks like a bunch of unruly grass because it has long, arching, variegated, cream, and bright green leaves.

As pups grow, they climb to the ground looking for a place to live. Moreover, this plant isn’t just popular and easy to grow, it’s also adaptable to various conditions. Plus, it blooms with star-shaped white flowers! 

It makes a fantastic gift for any event, thanks to its calming colors and simplicity of maintenance.

14.  Gerbera


On long stems with lobed leaves, Gerberas have daisy-like blooms. They make great return gifts because of their long blooming period. 

There is also a wide variety of colors available for Gerbera daisies, from hot pinks and reds to pale pinks and whites. So, you have plenty of options to choose from. 

Also, it is easy to see why Gerbera daisies make excellent return gifts since they evoke feelings of beauty and cheer

15. Prayer plant

Prayer plant

There is an attractive tricolor pattern on the leaves of praying plants. The leaves of this plant are soft, dark green, adorned with feathery, painterly veins in red and green. These tricolor pattern leaves are sure to add beauty to any place.

It is sure to catch the attention of all who see the hanging basket with tricolor leaves. A fascinating feature of prayer plants is that they fold their leaves in the evening in a manner that mimics folded hands, making them a wonderful gift.


Q1. Which indoor plants can be given as return gifts?

Ans. Lucky bamboo, Peace lily, aloe vera, ficus bonsai, and snake plants are the best indoor plants as return gifts.

Q2. What does gifting a plant symbolize?

Ans. There are many reasons why someone might want to give a plant, but it is most often a way to wish them good luck or let them know you care about them. If you want to express your emotions to your friends, give them green friends.

Q3. Which plant is lucky to gift?

Ans. Jade plants, Holy basil, Money trees, and Pachira Aquatica are some luckiest plants. Lavender, snake plants, peace lilies, and rubber plants are also considered lucky plants.

Q4. Which plant is best for wedding gifts?

Ans. Good luck plants, Chinese Money plants, Ginseng ficus bonsai, and ZZ plants make excellent wedding gifts.

Q5. How to choose the right plant for gifting?

In the list, I have mentioned the plants and the ideal gifting purpose for them. You can choose according to that guide, or else you can follow the three simple tips to select a plant for gifting.


Giving your loved one plants as return gifts is a perfect way to show them that you care about their health and well-being. 

There are a variety of plants on this list that will bring a lot of good luck, sound health, and beauty. The best thing is,  these plants come with all these advantages with hardly any maintenance.

You can also buy bonsai plants as wedding gifts, such as pachira Aquatica, Ginseng ficus, and Carmona. Ginseng ficus is ideal for couples who are married, showing their beautiful and strong marriage relationship.

If you want to protect your loved ones from air pollution during the festive season, spider plants, snake plants, and peace lilies are great air-purifying plants.

A jade plant or Chinese money plant is the perfect birthday gift to send your friend to wish him or her luck on their special day. Last but not least, if adding beauty to your loved one’s home is on your mind, you can’t go wrong with peace lilies, kalanchoes, or gerberas.

You won’t regret giving plants as return gifts since they will make great gifts for anyone. Also, you don’t have to worry about how your loved one will grow or care for plants if they are new to plants, our expert team is always available to help. 

So, which plant would you like to gift your loved one? Let me know in the comment section below.

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